Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Dear August,

I thought we were done with each other?!
You need to take your mayhem and torture someone else.

AND...how DARE you drag September into this. A car robbery and all those bills from August's destruction...let's call it quits. Please?

You need to go away. I can't afford to have you in my life.

I don't care if you are my birthday month. I don't need to turn another year older. Besides, my birthday checks can't even cover your damages.

So long.

This doesn't need to be a bitter break up. Just go. Leave September where it is. We need football season, and if Reily doesn't have a birthday...the world would likely end.

Just go.

No more calls from the sheriff, the foundation repair guys, the dentist, the school, or the doctor.

Just move on.

Stay away from my family and friends. Go find some really mean people. They need you. They deserve you.

I'm not answering your calls, emails, or texts anymore.

Did I mention our GPS unit was stolen out of our car? yep. yay.

1 comment:

Wendie said...

Sorry, who knew August could be such a *%&$#$. Sorry it carried over. Are you coming to Erin's shower in Glendale?