Monday, November 17, 2008

Surprise!! She's SIX!!

Okay, it really came as NO SURPRISE to any of us that Macy turned 6 on Sunday. As a matter of fact, the reminders were frequent. The party and gifts were perfectly-planned by Macy herself. She even made a list of who was getting her what; and in what order she was opening her presents. There was no room for surprises.

But, she could definitely act it for the camera!! (Of course!)
Happy Birthday Sweetheart!


ALYN said...

She actually looks bigger than my memory of her. They get tall so fast.

Lia had a pirate birthday party when she turned 4 in AZ. One of her ideas this year was to be a skunk so she could spray her sister...

Monica said...

Sisters!! They learn that role soooo quickly. I'm sure Reily would like to make hers walk the plank!

erin said...

yea! Happy Birthday Macy!

Angie said...

happy birthday Macy... getting sooo big! We love ya!

traci said...

She is so cute. Happy 6th. I have one that just turned 7 todayif you want to set them up when they go to BYU together in 10 plus years!