Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Trouble in Paradise

So, I am a night owl. There's something that happens to me at 10:00 and keeps me up until 12:00 or 1:00 every night. Usually, I'm doing nothing. I would like to think I'm being effective. But, that is not always the case. Anyway, I am usually looking to head back to bed in the mornings after I get the Bigs off to school. Sometimes, I'm successful. Other times, Little Reils is up to thwart all my good...and evil...plans.

This morning, however, she snuggled down and we were both lulled to sleep by Noggin...BLISS! Unfortunately, very much later, we were startled awake by the theme song of "Lazytown". Now, I know this program is specifically intended to air at 10:00 so that parents, such as I, the ones still sitting on the couch, will be slapped into reality and get off their duff. But, I was stuck. Reily was still snoozing, on my arm; and the remote was all the way over there. TORTURE! I was forced to watch Robby Rotten attempt to take over the world while reminding me of all my lazy and unhealthy habits.

Who do I call to take Lazytown off the map of my life?


Becky said...

That is so funny but what is even funnier is that we choose to watch that show. My girls love it in fact a few years ago Emma was Stephanie for Halloween yes even the pink hair. How sad are we!!!

Monica said...

Oh...no offense to those who watch Lazytown. It's probably just my guilty conscience. Sportacus would have nothing nice to say about my bad habits!

erin said...

hahahahahahahahaha. I freakin love this story! I can totally picture it. Unfortunately I am Mayor of Lazytown.

Cami said...

I wouldn't want to watch it either.

Mom said...

What in the blankety-blank is Lazy Town? I know that Sam and I were watching some sort of supposed to be kid show today and he turned to me and said "Gwama, I've seen this befoe and I don't think you should watch this pawt". I said "You don't want me to watch but it's OK if you watch? Maybe we should just change the channel". He jumped right up and changed the channel. End of discussion. I don't even care to know what we missed or what the hosw was.